Aún no se sabe la fecha, pero estaría por ver la luz el SP3 de SharePoint 2007. Estén atentos! Transcribo":
Today we’re pleased to announce the 3rd (and likely final) Service Pack release for Office 2007 and SharePoint Server 2007. We are targeting a release date within Calendar Q4 2011. As we approach the date we will have more to share on exact timing.
We are offering this release in preparation for the April 2012 end of mainstream support for the 2007 client and server products. The October 2011 release provides a 6-month window to test and deploy the release prior to exiting mainstream support…
Continuar leyendo en: http://blogs.technet.com/b/office_sustained_engineering/archive/2011/10/06/announcing-service-pack-3-for-office-2007-and-sharepoint-server-2007.aspx.
Hasta la próxima!
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